August 16, 2022
Now on Jigsaw
This site has been my go to for just trying out new things such as static site generators. I have been using Laravel for about 5 years now fulltime for development. So, I switched this site to be...
ReadMarch 16, 2017
Updated Site to hugo
I have switched the generation of this site to hugo. I have been watching hugo for a long time now and love the fast build system in go over the de-facto static site generator jekyll. This site has...
ReadMay 8, 2014
Source Code Released
This site has always used some build scripts to generate it in various formats. This has changed over the years but I have tried to keep it simple. When I first saw jekyll a few years ago I liked a...
ReadAugust 9, 2011
Mount sshfs with a script
sshfs is great for mounting remote directories locally. If you want to mount a sshfs directory locally with a script, you need to be able to connect to it with a script. This script uses expect to...